The Udghosh Sports and Cultural Fest’s second day concluded with a dazzling array of events that
cap?vated audiences and par?cipants alike. Held under the inspiring theme of ‘Dhairyasya
Vardhanam,’ this fest was a celebra?on of resilience, crea?vity, and camaraderie.
One of the most heartwarming highlights was *Udaan Sports*, an event dedicated to athletes with
disabili?es. It took place from 9 am to 1 pm. Demonstra?ng the power of determina?on, par?cipants
showcased their athle?c prowess in a series of games. Udaan Sports not only provided a plaLorm for
these talented individuals but also ignited mo?va?on in others to overcome challenges and pursue
The fest reached a glamorous peak with the *Mr. and Ms. Udghosh* event, where the stage lit up
with star power. A special celebrity guest, Ya?nder Singh, graced the occasion, engaging in an
inspiring session with the par?cipants. Yatinder Singh is an Indian bodybuilder, entrepreneur and
fitness icon. His most recent accomplishments include the silver medal in 7th World Body
Building and Physique Championship 2015 and Mr. India 2016.The crowd was mesmerized as the
contestants displayed their charisma, confidence, and talents, vying for the coveted ?tles. From 4pm
to 5 pm, the best bodybuilders of the town showcased themselves and received invaluable guidance
from our chief guest.
Another session under the *Udaan* banner featured mo?va?onal talks and interac?ve discussions
aimed at upliSing the spirit of perseverance. The chief guest here were Chirag Baretha, a rising star in
para-badminton, known for his silver medal at the 2023 Asian Para Games and mul?ple podium
finishes on the interna?onal stage. This event provided par?cipants and a[endees with a renewed
sense of purpose and empowerment, reinforcing the idea that success comes through pa?ence and
As the night approached, the fest transi?oned into a more energe?c atmosphere with the much-
an?cipated *EDM Night*. The DJ for our night was Karan Kanchan. The pulsa?ng beats and dynamic
performances brought everyone together, dancing to the rhythm of unity and celebra?on. For those
looking for a unique experience, the *Silent Disco* offered a quirky and fun alterna?ve, where
dancers grooved to music only they could hear through wireless headphones. It was a remarkable
sight of synchroniza?on and joy without a single beat heard in the air.
The Udghosh Sports and Cultural Fest has once again proven to be a true plaLorm for showcasing
talent, building connec?ons, and celebra?ng the spirit of sportsmanship and culture. It was an
unforge[able experience that will remain in the hearts of par?cipants and a[endees alike, leaving
everyone eagerly awai?ng next year’s edi?on.