India’s sugar exports in MY 2024/2025 are estimated to be 3.7 MMT as the Indian government is likely to maintain the export cap to meet domestic food consumption and sugar to ethanol diversion for the Ethanol Blending Program.
Following are selected highlights from a report issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) post in New Delhi:
“India’s centrifugal sugar production in marketing year (MY) 2024/2025 (October-September) is forecast to reach 34.5 million metric tons (MMT), equivalent to 33 MMT of crystal white sugar. The current year’s sugar production estimate is lowered to 34 MMT, equivalent to 32 MMT of crystal white sugar, due to the late onset of rain in Maharashtra and Karnataka as well as red rot infestation in central Uttar Pradesh.”
“India’s sugar exports in MY 2024/2025 are estimated to be 3.7 MMT as the Indian government is likely to maintain the export cap to meet domestic food consumption and sugar to ethanol diversion for the Ethanol Blending Program. Sugar consumption in the forecast year is expected to reach 32 MMT to meet sugar requirement during festivals, rise in pre-packed food market, sugar and confectioneries, and organized and unorganized catering services.”