The refusal to register sugarcane grown with the help of a cooperative sugar mill will have a significant impact on farmers. Farmers must register all sugarcane cultivated by the K1, K11 Cooperative sugar Mills. The State sugar Department should make arrangements to grind excess sugarcane beyond the mill’s requirements and send it to other mills. Half of the co-generation project at the K1 Cooperative sugar Mills, which began ten years ago, has been put on hold. Within the current year, the co-generation power generation project in K1 should be completed and implemented.
At the Cooperative sugar Mill, an ethanol plant should be built. Ambika, Auroran, and Tharani private sugar mills have gone to the National Debt Tribunal with over Rs 500 crore in sugarcane arrears. We suggest that the State government collect the total cane balance owed to the above-mentioned private sugar mills and distribute it to the farmers. We’ll have to wait and see if the TN government approves the proposal!