Food and Consumer Affairs Minister Piyush Goyal on Tuesday said cane arrears in Uttar Pradesh have reduced to Rs 3,895 crore from Rs 10,661 crore in 2017.
Goyal, who is the Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and Textiles, virtually inaugurated 50th Convocation Ceremony of National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, according to an official statement.
In his inaugural address, Goyal stressed the need to increase productivity and production of sugarcane to boost farmers’ income.
Goyal said the sugar industry will help increase income of lakhs of farmers in India by raising productivity.
It should be the resolve of the institute and its students to increase the productivity and value addition in 50 lakh hectares of land under sugarcane farmers, the minister said.
He said the institute and its students have the ability to change lives as well as livelihoods of lakhs of farmers.
Goyal highlighted that the country’s sugar exports rose 20 per cent to 7.1 million tonnes in 2020-21.
“In 2020-21, 92 per cent sugarcane dues have been cleared, the highest paid amount in any sugar season. In Uttar Pradesh alone, cane price arrears in 2017 was Rs 10,661 crore. Under the able leadership of CM Yogi Adityanath, current cane price arrears are at Rs 3,895 crore,” he said.
Sugarcane productivity (in tonnes per hectare) in UP has reached 81.50 in 2020-21 from 72.38 in 2016-17.
“The quality of Sugar in India is the best. Like chocolates are found all over the world, can our mithais (sweets) replace chocolates at some stage?”
“If mithais could make way in to the hearts of people in other countries, then our sugar products will get a natural market without needing any subsidies or government intervention,” he added.The above news was originally posted on